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Brooke Hayes

Following a UVic Biochemistry degree (1999) Brooke took a twenty year break from academia to work with the BC provincial public service in a wide variety of roles. She had the opportunity to assess impacts of the mountain pine beetle epidemic on rural communities in BC, develop a quality assurance framework for contracts for children and youth, support the transition of the BC Ambulance Service and the Oil and Gas Commission out of the public service, develop a cross-government strategy for the delivery of $6.6 billion of goods and services delivered through procurement, and most recently, held responsibility for climate change, marketing, strengthening farming, and resource development portfolios within the Ministry of Agriculture. Here Brooke discovered a passion for agriculture that will not let go and has returned to school on an education leave to investigate the relationships between climate-adaptive management practices, and the overall profitability and health of farmers and consumers alike.



University of Victoria

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Ecogastronomy Research Group

I and my students use quantitative analyses of food and wine production systems to reveal linkages between ecological and social sustainability, “quality”, and the primacy of place … “Ecogastronomy”

Dr. John Volpe

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School of Environmental Studies
University of Victoria
V8W 2Y2
JPV Office - Turpin B156
EcoSoil Lab - Turpin B159
Sensory Lab - Turpin B161
Website by SUPERUS